Wednesday, March 30, 2005

We need to talk

I think it's time we had a serious talk.

Have you recently sat down and kept track of how much sugar you consume in one day? I'm not just referring to the obvious candy and soda, but really, really took a look?

I was about to eat my raspberry yogurt yesterday morning, when I thought to look at the ingredients. I've been on my "Just Say No to Processed Foods" kick lately, and was curious if the last of my yogurt supply was compliant with my little campaign. With soap box in hand, I held the round container up and braced myself for what I was about to read. Beyond the obvious preservatives, the ingredients looked good at first. No sugar in the first 4. Then I got to the raspberries, "high fructose corn syrup, raspberries, sugar, water". I had often wondered how my lowfat yogurt contained 240 calories!

And even the fruit filling is a little obvious when wondering about sugar content. What about ketchup, barbecue sauce, salad dressings, and on and on and on? Sugar, sugar, sugar.

How is it that people sit and question all of these diseases, obesity, and chronic illnesses, as they sip their diet coke? It is so simple. Your body is a machine. If you don't put good fuel into it, how do you expect it to perform at it's highest capacity? If you put garbage into your car, it won't run. At some point, if you feed it enough poor fuel, the car will just stop working. Basic, common sense.

My quest these past two weeks has been to significantly increase my consumption of whole grains and vegetables, and cut out (almost completely) my consumption of processed sugar (natural sugars are fine, including honey, in moderation). I have been shocked at the increase in my energy, my desire to be outside, and a more positive outlook on life. The last has been the most surprising outcome of my new diet; I had not realized that what I ate affected my moods.

So I challenge you: take some time today and write down everything you've eaten. Be honest. Then challenge yourself to make a few reasonable changes to your diet. Incorporate more vegetables (no, not potatoes). Your body will thank you.

I will now get off my little soap box and put it away until I find something else to get worked up about. Don't worry, it won't be long.

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