Thursday, July 06, 2006

A day at the (dog) beach

It is a gorgeous summer: the temperature ranging from 80-85 degrees; the slight breeze; the gorgeous blue skies with the occasional fluffy cloud floating lazily by. All these things pull me out of bed at 7am on Saturday mornings and drive my poor sleep-deprived husband crazy.

This past Saturday morning, an extraordinarily beautiful one, was worse than usual. At 7:01am I jumped out of bed and found myself in my usual Saturday-morning dilemma: what to do with myself - and Marshall - for the next 3 hours before I'm allowed to wake Matt up. I've taken to walking Marsh up to Robeks to get a smoothie for Matt, because really, you can't get mad at your wife for waking you up at 8:00am on a Saturday when she has a smoothie in her hand. Can you?

And so it was that, at 8:03am this past Saturday, all three of us were sitting on our bed sipping our smoothies, and trying to figure out what to do with our day. Matt wanted to sleep. I wanted to be outside. The perfect solution was right before our eyes: The Beach.

And we spent a glorious afternoon at the beach, swimming, running, fetching (yes, that applies to all of us, as Marsh often decides its our turn right after the stick is thrown) and getting some much-needed sunshine.

So if you find yourself like I do, waiting for the world to wake up, go for a walk. It's good for you, it's good for the dog, and I promise it will be good for your relationship with whomever you may share your bed with. Happy Summer!


Jake and Katie Tomlin said...

Ok, so I'll be honest I went to your blog so that I could rub it in your face that I have infact updated before you and then just when I am gloating, you post. Way to ruin my gloating session! jk sounds like a great day at the beach! Miss you guys tons, Jake leaves monday morning, pray for us please! xoxo

Unknown said...

When will you update?

Mark Terson said...
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Mark Terson said...

Definitely a great content blog!
